Yeah, it happens. Pimples suck. I retouch blemishes and bruises with ease on every photo you see. No problem. No stress. Let that pimple try its hardest to ruin your day, but your photos will not be a permanent reminder of it.
This one’s easy. You don’t have to know how to pose…not even a little bit. I will walk you through every step of the way. I will get into the poses myself and have you mirror me. If we don’t get it right on the first try, I’ll gently redirect you. It’s not YOUR job to take amazing photos; it’s mine.

Yep, it’s the worst. No, it will not affect your finished product. I understand the plight of menstruation on photoshoot day. I keep feminine hygiene products on hand and have zero qualms with 30 bathroom breaks. Start your morning with some fresh fruit and a heating pad, and we’ll take it from there. No worries about bloat or blemishes.
If you’re thinking that all of the women featured on the pages of my website and social media are models, you’re sorely mistaken. I have NEVER….EVER had a client who didn’t love their photos. You don’t have to love EVERY SINGLE ONE of them, but you will love most of them. And you will be shocked that you could love photos of yourself this much. I WILL rock out your photo session, and I WILL get a whole bunch of killer images of you. I always do. But if you come into the shoot with an open mind and with trust in me, we’ll get EXTRA. And extra is always good. I’ve never met a woman who I couldn’t capture beautifully. That includes you.